Honey Bottles

When looking for the perfect container to showcase your honey, look no further. Our honey bottles come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Just keep an eye on the sizing – 5 oz honey jars will hold 5 oz of water and 8 oz of honey. The PET they are made of is of the polyester family and has high clarity, high impact resistance, medium rigidity and good chemical resistance. Each bottle has a variety of lid options as well, so take your time and let us know if you would like a sample.

Shop Honey Bottles now from Best Containers.

  • Plastic Honey Bear Bottle

    Honey Bear Bottle (24 oz of honey), PET Plastic, 16 oz, Clear, 38-400 Neck Finish

  • Honey Bear Bottle (12 oz of honey), LDPE Plastic, 8 oz, Natural, 38-400 Neck Finish

  • 56 oz jug for storing honey or other liquids

    Honey Bottle, Natural, HDPE, 5 lb, 48-400
